Plugging Along

2005-01-02 19:36 ☼ post

I downloaded a few Pivot weblog templates this afternoon and spent a little time fiddling around with them. I especially like the kubrick theme at, but I’ll want to do some color tweaking if I go with it. The kubrick theme definitely seems like a good starting point though and there are quite a few other nice templates on that site if you’re looking for some good weblog design ideas to borrow.

Besides thinking about Axodys’ basic design changes I’ve also started to customize the sidebars on the front page. No more cheesey default messages thank you very much. I really need to print out the page with all of the template tags that Pivot supports too so that I can clean things up and put them in the format I want. Additionally, one small project I’d like to incorporate is using my account for my sidebar link dump list. I’ll have to see if someone has already come up with a Pivot extension for that. Fun stuff.