2001-05-08 10:00 ☼ post
I finally had the right combination of time and inspiration last night to install iMovie 2 and start playing with it. I used clips from about five minutes worth of tape I took last Saturday (using the MiniDV camera I borrowed from work), added some titles and transitions and output a minute long movie of Magnum, my in-laws new Weimeraner.
I was really impressed with how smoothly the whole process went. Importing and exporting film clips worked flawlessly with the MiniDV camera I was using, and creating smaller Quicktime movies was quite easy as well. I have fiddled around with similar programs like Premiere in the past and while iMovie was not as fully featured its ease of use and range of functionality seemed just right for jazzing up home movies.
I’m definitely looking forward to getting my own MiniDV camera down the road here (note to self: get model with analog AV inputs). Time to start saving my money up.