2001-09-30 18:47 ☼ post
My DSL connection seemed to be flaking out quite a bit earlier. Web pages wouldn’t load, or were quite slow to load if they did. Then I started pinging things and discovered I was getting like 60% packet loss. What’s up with that? Anyway things seem to have returned to normal now.
I’m starving, but Subway is supposed to be on the way. Guess I’d better take a shower before Mary gets home since we’ll probably be leaving again shortly.
The Seahawks were pathetic today, but the helmet to chin shot that knocked Trent Dilfer out in the second half really pissed me off. At least it drew flags and probably a fine for the aggressor later this week. Yesterday I saw a similar hit to an Oregon State receiver by a UCLA defender towards the end of that game that didn’t draw a single flag. I’m all for defenders making hard tackles, but both instances definitely fell under my interpretation of spearing. I’m kind of curious to see what the official rules in NCAA and college football are.
Football’s dirty tackle a dangerous game to play