2001-11-28 08:51 ☼ post
Evan linked to a question I was wondering about myself recently: Why is New York City called The Big Apple?
The phrase “The Big Apple” referring to New York City was first used in a 1909 book, The Wayfarer in New York edited by Edward S. Martin. In a metaphor explaining the sentiment in the Midwest that the city receives more than a fair share of the nationís wealth, he explains: ” ëNew York [was] merely one of the fruits of that great tree whose roots go down in the Mississippi Valley, and whose branches spread from one ocean to the otherÖ[But] the big apple [New York] gets a disproportionate share of the national sap.í ” (Irving Lewis Allen, City in Slang [Oxford University Press, 1995], p. 62) In other news it looks like the big snow storm we’ve been expecting since last night has just arrived. A few minutes ago the local doppler indicated we were in the eye of a storm of precipitation, but that seems to have shifted because the flakes are falling now.
I should really go get my gloves out of my car before it gets covered in snow.
I’m not looking forward to the drive up the hill to basketball practice this afternoon. Hopefully the advance deicing will have left the roads wet rather treacherous.