2002-01-24 23:02 ☼ post
Hmmm. Look at all the Movable Type stuff on the Fairvue finalist list. What does this mean? I wish I knew. It sure would be interesting to see the number of votes each of the finalists got. As I understood it these nominations were supposed to be By The People. I would be interested in seeing the actual numbers. Not one Manila or Radio site got nominated. Not a single one. Interesting.
Uh, oh. Dave Winer is going to piss off some anti-Dave webloggers out there with that comment. I think the reason that you see a lack of Manila or Radio site’s could be due to a lot of factors, but weblog tool communities could be one of them. That is to say that there are different spheres of weblogs that revolve around their tools of choice. There’s certainly some crossover, but not enough that you’re going to see a lot of voting outside your tool’s circle of users.
Update: Dave seems to have toned down his comment about the Fairvue awards now.