2005-05-02 20:29 ☼ post
Well, I’m still waiting for my copy of Tiger to arrive at work. I didn’t have to pay for it so I can’t complain too much, but I was really hoping it would show up on release day last week. Then I was really hoping it would show up today, but no dice. At least I got to see the new OS in action first hand today because Apple came on campus to demo it and Final Cut Studio. Spotlight is really cool, but Automator looks totally awesome. That may just end up being my favorite part of the upgrade because you can do so much with it, but time will tell I suppose.
In other news, web personality and software trailblazer Dave Winer is the big five-oh today. I’ve never really interacted with Dave directly (although I did get a linkin Scripting News once- he mispelled my last name too. Doh!), but I’ve been following Scripting News since at least the spring of 1998 and have learned a lot from him over the years. Someday I hope I can catch one of the famous &“geek dinners” when he’s in attendance.