2005-08-25 08:41 ☼ post
I’ve got a couple different weblog projects that I’m working on right now and my appreciation for WordPress just keeps growing the more I use it. Thanks to the experience I gained while setting up Axodys and the simple WordPress install process I was able to migrate Mary’s classroom weblog over from an old version using MovableType in less than an hour. I still need to set up her events calendar, but it looks like it will be pretty easy to do thanks to the Event Calendar 3.0 plugin that a quick google search turned up last night.
Once we have the basic functionality on mrsgilman.net set up the next phase will be to give it a theme that is more customized to Mary’s liking than the default theme. Yesterday morning I sent her a link to the Word Press Theme Browser at alexking.org and had her look through the themes and pick things she likes as a starting point. It sounds like she’s already picked out a few different ones that she likes.
Besides Mary’s weblog, I’ve also got a bigger weblog project that I’ve had in mind for a while. It’s still strictly in the formative stages, but I’m hoping to have something rolled out for by the beginning of September. Now that my kayak is functional and I’ve scaled back my efforts on it I’m going to put a lot of my efforts into the the new project. Stay tuned for more information.