Nano Update

2005-11-08 17:14 ☼ post

Nanowrimo 2005 is going really well for me and my fellow Spokanites in general. I’m currently sitting on 12,000 words written, so I’m almost a quarter of the way home and right on pace. This year they’re keeping track of a lot of collective stats at and the Spokane area was ranked number 86 with almost 180,000 collective words from all its participants. That puts it just ahead of Montreal, Salt Lake City and Cleveland which seems pretty cool to me.

The story itself is coming along okay. Its overall quality is low which is to be expected, but it’s keeping me interested and I think there’s going to be enough good stuff in the end to make it worth going back and revising it into something that I wouldn’t feel embarrassed showing others. I’m definitely happy with the way I’ve been able to shut off my internal editor and just write during the process. It’s made things go a whole lot easier than in past years.