Vox Invite

2006-06-06 15:25


After I saw Matt Haughey’s post about Vox I was fairly intrigued because I definitely see the communications potential for family and friends. There are definitely times when having a semi-private website would be a plus and I think it would encourage a lot more people to take the plunge into this form of communication. From what I’ve been able to discern so far, Vox is very much a refinement of the LiveJournal model aimed squarely at bringing in people that have never done any blogging before.

I applied for my own invite code a couple days ago, but imagine it could be a while before I get one as Six Apart is still ramping up the service. I learned today that current Vox account holders can actually send out invite codes so if anyone out there has an extra one they can spare I’d love to try Vox out firsthand.