Productive several days of work on the shed project. Roof is almost ready for the last metal layer that will hopefully keep everything dry.
microAnother disappointing draw for Tottenham at Everton after conceding the equalizer in the second half of stoppage time. The lack of pressure on the long cross that setup the goal was horrible and I could swear it was Ericksen that didn’t close it down, but need replay to confirm.
microEpisode three (Nixon’s Women) is my favorite For All Mankind episode yet. Can’t wait for episode 4 to drop because this show is picking up steam after a strong start!
microJust realized that Shantel VanSanten, who plays Karen Baldwin on For All Mankind, was a Barry Allen love interest on an early season of The Flash. She seemed familiar, but being a brunette for the FAM role threw me off. I think this could be a breakout character for her.
microThe first episode of For All Mankind was pretty good and the show’s alternate timeline really raised the stakes of Apollo 11 in a compelling way. It also makes me wonder what will happen with Apollo 13 now. Are there no issues or does it go worse than the actual mission?
microWondered if walk-on Will Graves, was the former GU women’s coach’s son when I saw the last name, but the roster isn’t up to date so I got confirmation on Twitter. Pretty cool that he came back to GU for college.
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