Deciding to keep one of my bikes in a bike locker at work is one of my best decisions of the summer so far. So awesome to be able to just ride to a given part of Spokane.
microDeciding to keep one of my bikes in a bike locker at work is one of my best decisions of the summer so far. So awesome to be able to just ride to a given part of Spokane.
microHad a delicious barbecued burger for lunch, but had no idea it was National Burger Day today too until now.
microKind of weird weather pattern today. Usually rain comes into Spokane from the west, but today it’s starting just west of town and then moving away to the west.
microToday I learned Eastern Washington has its own version of Brexit in the form of the “Liberty State” movement and even more hair follicles on my scalp instantly died.
microGot in my first bike commute of the year yesterday and it was pretty good, but sad that the Children of the Sun trail adds time. Now I’ve got to finish my much delayed eBike project so I can see if it will allow me to get my travel time back in the neighborhood of a half hour.
microJohn Gruber is good friends with the Panic crew so I was wondering how long he’s known about Playdate. Turns out Cabal Sasser only told him about it a couple weeks ago. $149 is not cheap, but I think this will be huge for Panic.
microPanic’s new Playdate handheld game console looks amazing! It’s the perfect Swedish engineered modern evolution of the original GameBoy aesthetic with a beautiful high resolution/high reflection black & white LCD plus an analog crank.
microJaden McDaniels just picked Washington over Kentucky and Coach Hopkins has landed his first elite recruit. UW is going to be loaded!
microStill stiff and sore from playing and pitching six innings of Kickball on Monday. It’s kind of fascinating to see how slowly my somewhat old unadapted muscles have bounced back from that type of exertion vs. Bloomsday (minimal soreness and did a hard workout two day later).
microTonight I had one of my best scooters harvested to gas used ratio nights to date. I managed to grab 8 scooters and return home on one gallon of gas. Tomorrow I’m going to see if an afternoon/evening reverse bike commute is a worthwhile way to save another gallon.
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