2019-05-21 09:14

I’m kind of curious what would happen if one of the subpoenaed administration officials defied Trump and testified anyway. Would they get fired/arrested? Trying to understand the stakes if they actually chose to recognize their constitutional duty.

2019-05-20 12:36

Got in a short dusk bike ride around GU, the University District, and the Centennial Trail last night and it was glorious!

2019-05-20 08:59

Today’s reminder that I am getting old: William Shatner came to Spokane for a Wrath of Khan screening and the article covering the event mentioned that he is 88 years old!

2019-05-18 21:01

Loki, the trickster neighbor cat, has taken over our roof!

2019-05-18 15:50

Did some work in the front yard pulling dandelions today. It’s amazing how quickly my nose starts running, but I persevered and made a lot of progress.

2019-05-18 15:26

Season 7 Episode 22 was a pretty satisfying way to conclude Arrow even if we still have 10 episodes in Season 8 next year leading into the big crossover event. William really got shafted on the family side of things, but at least he has a sister now.

2019-05-17 07:44

Also, I kind of laugh and shake my head at all the Apple podcasters I listen to that have stopped wearing their Apple watches regularly after spending ridiculous amounts on the higher end material models.

2019-05-17 07:35

It’s kind of fascinating to see how Apple Watch adoption has gone in my family. My mom and in-laws all have them, but the longer they’ve been out the less I want one. I’ve had several different fitness/gps/Pebble watches and prefer battery life and always on screens.

2019-05-16 22:02

Had to cut my run short today because of the massive downpour that hit right at the 4K mark. So much rain came down along the Centennial Trail that it was covered in three inch puddles and runoff from higher ground nearby.

2019-05-16 10:16

I thought I was going to be dealing with some rain this afternoon during my run, but it looks like the storm is going to hit later this evening so pretty happy about that.


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