Starting to get a little annoyed by all the meetings I’ve had this week while needing to devote time to the end of fiscal year computer ordering rush.
microStarting to get a little annoyed by all the meetings I’ve had this week while needing to devote time to the end of fiscal year computer ordering rush.
microThat said, if Biden emerges as the Democratic nominee I will absolutely vote for him. I’m also super pissed at all the so so Democratic presidential candidates that would be great senate candidates in their home states, but are wasting time and energy in the wrong fight.
microI’m kind of in disbelief that Joe Biden is the polls’ democratic front runner. To be honest I have a lot of anger towards him for failing his son and country by not running in 2016, for failing Anita Hill in 1991, and for being an avatar of elderly white male political privilege.
microAlways fun to be stuck in a reboot loop after running a security update first thing. I eventually remembered it was caused by a LaunchDaemon with reboot in the title and tracked it down and deleted it using single user mode.
microIt annoys me that Limes in Spokane are $4 each now instead of $5, but if it discourages competition enough to let me regularly harvest 8-12 scooters I’m okay with it. Still need to pick up one more set of four chargers so I can do 12 without monitoring and swapping between scooters.
microSort of crazy first night of harvesting Limes. Realized at 8:05pm that they had unlocked at 8pm rather than 9pm. Drove to the closest one (in a neighborhood that I consistently strike out in). No sign of it so I continued to my favorite neighborhood and ended up getting 8.
microA little bit disappointed to learn that Lime per minute pricing has jumped to .25/min from the .15/min we saw last fall. That turns a 15 minute ride into a $4.75 expense vs. $3.25 and that’s a significant jump.
microJust had my first Lime scooter sighting on campus. Didn’t look like its top speed was limited at all even though I thought that GU was similar to Riverfront Park based on the big brown zone I saw in the app. A ton of ebikes are also on campus, but with students gone no takers.
microFinally have my primary Bard’s Tale I party to the point that I can use the 4x99 Berserker fight to quickly level new characters. I have a high level monk with terrible constitution/hp that I’d like to retire and I’d also like to develop a hunter, thief, and a third magic user.
microI’ve never had a non-iPhone smartphone in the the touchscreen era, but the Google Pixel 3A is the first Android phone I would seriously consider because of its price point and camera quality. I definitely have price fatigue when it comes to Apple’s products.
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