Just realized that’s I’m in a new age bracket for Bloomsday this year. Wish I was in a little better shape to maximize my place, but maybe next year.
microJust realized that’s I’m in a new age bracket for Bloomsday this year. Wish I was in a little better shape to maximize my place, but maybe next year.
microFinally managed to replace the engine knock sensor on my Honda Element today. The pigtail (which seems flimsy and may require replacement as well) needed to be disconnected from above, but the sensor was most accessible from below once I removed the cladding.
microI hadn’t heard of Boss Fight Books until the recent Humble Bundle, but love the concept and execution. I’m usually slow to finish nonfiction, but I’ve already blown through ZZT and Earthbound.
microZach Norvell is testing the NBA draft waters as predicted, but his social media announcement seemed a little more all-in than I expected. He’s a confident dude and he was first team all WCC this year, but when I look at all the great Zag guards that never broke through…
micropCloud has some really interesting Easter weekend offers. $24 for a year’s worth of 500GB storage is the one that jumps out for me and I’m also impressed with their base feature set compared to Dropbox+.
microOn the flip side Brandon Clarke also entered the draft and if he stays in I could see him going in the top 10.
microSo UVA’s Kyle Guy has hired an agent and declared for the NBA draft. Under the new rules he can still return to college next season if he chooses to remove his name by the deadline, but he definitely strikes me as second round/G League material whether he stays or goes.
microRegardless of which shell I use I really need to figure out a routine for quickly setting up the command line to my liking when jumping onto a new computer environment.
microWorking my way through a Bash shell scripting video course over the last couple weeks has been pretty worthwhile, but now I’m starting to feel the urge to integrate this knowledge with my preferred Fish shell now.
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